App Of The Month: Citymapper

Anywhere you go, one of the important things we all want to know is…how am I going to get around? Many people opt for public transportation in many cities. If you aren’t too familiar with a city or even if you are, you need to know how to get from one place to another. Even as a New Yorker, I look up how to get to certain places. One of the best apps to use to get around is Citymapper.

Citymapper is a great free app that gives public transportation info for New York, Boston, London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, and many other places. They even allows users to vote on the next city to add to their app. Doesn’t matter if  you are getting around via trains, bike, ferry, or bus they have you covered.

citymapper ©hollydayz

Citymapper gives insight to which trains are delayed or have service disruptions. It even links to official subway or bus Twitter pages so you can see up to the minute changes. It also allows you to tell someone where to meet you and sharing a map with directions.

Another great feature is it lets you know where the nearest modes of transportation are, where they are going if it is a bus, train, or ferry, estimated time it will take for you to get to it, and what time one is coming. Makes things simple and easy.

It is a pretty good go to app for getting around in many cities around the world. So much in fact that it has won several awards. NY Times said “Citymapper is quite simply the best travel app to be introduced to New York City.”

app of the month citymapper

So next time you’re in a city trying to find your way around, make sure to use Citymapper. You will be able to reach all your favorite or planned destinations easily. They are constantly improving the app and are always looking for feedback from users. There is even a survey that allows you to improve your city.